Preparing for Separation or Divorce: A Practical Guide

Separation or divorce is often an emotionally challenging time. It’s a period that can be marked by uncertainty, grief, and sometimes fear about the future. Like all significant changes in life, it’s best approached by being prepared. This article aims to provide you with a practical guide on how to prepare for separation or divorce.

Understand your situation

It's okay to feel overwhelmed. A separation or divorce is a major life event and it's normal to experience a wide range of emotions. Reach out to a support network of friends, family, or a professional counselor, who can provide emotional support and guidance during this difficult time. Educate yourself about the divorce process, laws in your state, and your rights and obligations. Knowledge is empowering and can alleviate some of the fear and anxiety about the unknown.

Gather important documents

Before initiating a divorce proceeding, you must have all your important documents in place. This includes deeds, titles, financial statements, recent real estate appraisal on your home/cottage (if applicable), tax returns, and any prenuptial agreements. Make copies of these documents and keep them in a secure place. They will provide crucial information regarding your assets, debts, and financial history, which will be needed during the legal proceedings.

Secure finances

During a divorce, there's a potential risk that assets may be hidden or drained. Protect yourself by understanding your financial situation. Open separate bank and credit card accounts if you don't already have them. Monitor your joint accounts and consult with a financial advisor or attorney/lawyer about how to best protect your financial interests.

Engage legal advice

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your separation or divorce, it is essential to engage an attorney specializing in family law. A lawyer can guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights, and ensure your interests are protected. A good attorney/lawyer will explain the divorce process, what you can expect, and help you strategize for the best outcome.

Think about living arrangements

During a separation or divorce, living arrangements need to be decided. Think about whether you can afford to stay in your current home, or if it's better to move. If you have children, you will need to consider their needs as well. This includes thinking about custody arrangements, and how to minimize disruption in their lives.

Consider mediation

While some divorces may end up in court, many can be resolved through mediation, which is less adversarial and can be cheaper and quicker. Mediation allows couples to negotiate a divorce agreement in a more cooperative setting, guided by a trained mediator. It is not for every situation, but it can be a more amicable way to end a marriage.


Remember to take care of yourself. Emotional stress can take a toll on your physical health. Try to maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get sufficient sleep. Consider engaging in stress-reducing activities such as walking, jogging, yoga, meditation, or whatever healthy activity allows you to “take your mind off things.” Keep in touch with friends and maintain your hobbies and interests.

Plan for the future

While it's challenging to plan for the future in the middle of a divorce, it is vital. Consider where you would like to be when the process is over. Do you need to re-enter the workforce or upgrade your skills for better job prospects? Will you need to downsize your living arrangements? These considerations will give you direction and goals to work towards.

Preparing for a separation or divorce involves practical steps around understanding your situation, gathering documents, securing finances, seeking legal advice, considering living arrangements, exploring mediation, maintaining self-care, and planning for the future. It is essential to remember to ask for help during this period, whether from professionals, friends, or family.

Though this is a difficult time, it is also a time of transition and personal growth, and with preparation and support, you can navigate this change successfully.